Saturday, January 3, 2009

School's Out...Let the fighting, I mean Fun begin!

The first day out of school, I was pretty sure the kids were going to drive me into the looney bin! Ava found this baby stroller in the basement, and felt the need to have it be hers!! Lexi spent countless minutes pushing her around the house to avoid the screaming that would occur when she stopped pushing!!

When not fighting with each other, which accounted for about 75% of the Christmas Break, they were able to come up with other activities to do with there friends. This one, in particular, I was able to be involved in. I was the judge of this fabulaous fashion show..

All said and done, it did go by fast, and without any injury to my beautiful children!!!
(I didn't say without some yelling, screaming, and grounding to there rooms)

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