Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chuck 'e' Cheeses

We decided to take the kids on a family night activity...I know, this place is not one of my personal favorites. It is a germ factory! They had a blast, and I was comforted knowing I had my bottle of hand sanitizer in the diaper bag. Which brings me to my grateful thought for today...I am grateful for hand sanitizer. The fact that I can disinfect my kiddos hands in the convenience of a bottle, anywhere, anytime, not demanding a sink with soap and water is a beautiful thing. Whoever invented the stuff, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!


Valerie said... are so right about the hand sanitizer.....i LOVE the stuff!!!! i keep it in every bag, purse, car, etc. it is the best thing ever with kids!!!

Christi Williams said...

Your kids are so cute!!
I am so happy you found my blog.
I will have fun reading yours.

Becca said...

You know I am the ultimate germ-a-phobe. But who can resist Chuck E Cheese?

Claremont First Ward said...

Amen! :)

Debbie said...

So fun to see your kids. I can tell you are a happy Mom! I'm looking forward to reading your blog and catching up. Wow. I've missed you guys.

I think of you whenever I look at that beautiful green blanket you made for Katie when she was born. It's a sentimental part of her baby stuff.