Monday, October 12, 2009

The Patio

This was one of the many things that kept me away from blogging all summer. (which I still have a lot of catching up to do) We filled the summer with many vacations and projects. The patio, was one of my big ones. I wanted to create a place to sit and relax in the evenings and take advantage of the cool canyon breeze we get each night. I stained the concrete, and also put a faux finish on top of the main color. We added lattice to the back to add a little more privacy and shade in the late afternoon. My sweet hubby bought me the furniture for Mother's day. It was a great addition to our home for the summer. Many dinners, conversations and memories were created!

The view from my back door.

The "living room"

A view from the side

The "dining room"


Regina Lara said...

Looks Great! When are we gonna Have a super cold BBQ?

Melissa said...

Wow, that looks awesome! I love the finish you put on it! We're hoping to tear out our wood deck (which is two feet off the gound--weird) and replace it with a concrete patio. Now I'm totally inspired!

Nickie said...

I need to get Jason over there. We are in the middle of a deck overhaul but I am begging everyday for some sort of shade so that we can enjoy the backyard. Someday!! It looks so great!! Good job!

iliana said...

Wow Candice it looks soooo good! I love it!

Becca said...

Sweet girl- that looks fantastic. You really are talented with keeping your house so beautifully decorated. I wish I had a knack for it myself..

The Grover Gang said...

Those pictures do not do it justice! It looks more amazing when you actually get to set and relax there! I am not surprised at how great it looks, you are one super talented chika! You got all those genes! (darn it!)