Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Happy Haunting" winners!

The winners of the Happy Haunting signs are:
Regina- you can thank Lexi, even though Jordan really wanted to be the one to draw the girls name who had the answer to his tongue twister...he still remembers and likes you the most:)
Janice- you can thank my sweet little Ava for eating, I mean picking yours.
Melissa- you can thank Jordan for drawing your name. (I will need you to email your address to me
Congrats to the winners, and remember there is still one more set of pumpkins that I will be posting. Be the first to comment when you see them again and they are yours!
There are some really cute Christmas crafts coming up...can't wait!

1 comment:

Regina Lara said...

YAY!!! I am so happy he remembers... I just told Russ about it and he laughed! YAY YAY YAY!