Monday, June 8, 2009

Psssst.....pass it on!

When I was a little girl, I remember playing a game with my friends. We would tell each other a secret, and then end it with "pass it on" (knowing that everyone would soon know the secret). I have a new button on my blog that I am hoping you will all check out, and YES, pass it on!!!

It is a friend of mine from work, who is a great person I might add, hoping to adopt. Check it out and pass it on to all of your family and friends.


Wendy said...

Loved their site--made me cry. I'm so grateful that my husband was adopted into a loving family and blessed with adoptive parents who have loved him unconditionally right from the beginning. Thank you for posting their information--It was neat to read about this couple and I wish them all the best.

Rebecca said...

Thanks for posting this Candice! You're great :)

Nickie said...

How do I put it on my page? You know how I feel about adoption, so any help I can give someone else I am more than willing to do. Tell them they are in my thoughts.